The Eternally Grateful Retirement Tour ❤️
After a well needed break from the job for most of the year I’ll now be back touring. Starting in Scotland. With Falkirk and Dundee being the first stops.
I’ll be starting work again in Falkirk on 12 or 13th September then I’ll be going to Dundee after that x
My room will be sanitised between each client and I will only be accepting few appointments per day to allow for this necessary ample cleaning between each visitor. My service will be as safe as I can possibly make it.
230(ish) Stops...Each stop will be the final time to that location xx
✅ 19/12/2023 - Crawley for 5 nights
I will be visiting pretty much EVERY single Town, City and Burgh (of the bigger cities) in the UK. It's going to be a huge final farewell.
For those sad to see my level of standard go....I'll also be choosing another TS to mentor and train to pass all my knowledge and skills down to at the end of my retirement tour. I've learned far too much about this job to not pass it on for the benefit of you guys. As it's no use going with me. (I got you're back lol). I will introduce her once I have found someone suitable and trust worthy xx
.....and then this amazing journey comes to an end. In all seriousness, I've truly loved every minute of it. Thank you so much guys. And from the bottom of my heart...I’m truly eternally grateful ❤️
The FIRST fully trained TS masseur in the UK - I am absolutely sure you will fully enjoy my new service just as much as my last....if not more ❤️
"So...after 4 years in this job touring round the UK and various other countries. I came to a realisation. That everyone was getting bored with the GFE thing. I was getting bored, the clients were getting bored, all other girls were getting bored. And it was slowly ruining the "spark". Everyone was moaning. And I thought this is not what punting should be about. Guys should be leaving a girls room feeling like a king. I thought things needs to change....and then I took some time off to make a change and discover something new....and this is what I found...." EXCERT TAKEN FROM MY -ASIAN RETREAT- TAB.
Please take a small minute to read through my advert (especially my "Asian Retreat" tab and FAQs section at the bottom of this page). Which explain fully about my unique service and the intense training I experienced to allow me to offer this wonderful experience. I think you'll love what you read and see.
Meetings should always be about the guys enjoyment. Time to make this about you....and not me .

Are you ready to be pampered and treated like a king? Well read on and lets get you stress free ❤️
Hello sweetheart and welcome to my service
My name is Miss Sinclair and I am a British TS lady. I am fully trained in massage and take pride in offering a full hour of pure indulgence.
Before entering this mischievous line of work, I worked for a couple of years as a beautician. Where I was professionally trained in various massage techniques. However in the summer of 2015 I took myself off to Asia and trained for 3 months in Asian massage, pressure points, aromatherapy and relaxation techniques. I ensured that my skill levels were high enough to bring back to the Uk and indulge all you lovely guys with my newly perfected craft.
Suffice to say...I am extremely excited to show you what i can do....and where i can take you.
Slowly building a connection is paramount and key to achieving a wholly fulfilling end result ;-)
My Indulgent Service's ❤️
When you enter my room...you will be immediately welcomed by my warm, smiling and comforting soft face and welcomed into a room with low sensual lighting, burning candles, swirls of aroma fragrance steaming away out of a diffuser and relaxing slow meditation music playing in the background. All blended to instantly relax you and make you feel comfortable and ready to begin.
❤️ Service 1 - Sensual Seduction - 1 Hour =£120
This service is my gold standard service. It is a full hour and never rushed.
Before the service begins we often have a quick chit chat (just really a minute or so just to break the ice and say hi and for me to find out about any body injuries or sore bits).
You will then be offered a shower (If you would like me to lather you up then by all means xx).
Once showered, cleaned and dried...you will then be led to the bed and asked to lie down on the soft clean towels.
For the next 45 minutes I shall slowly massage the whole of you're body from top to toe.
This is you're time to relax, mentally escape, unwind, switch off or whatever. We often don't get time to stop and do nothing in our busy lives. So take full advantage of this and let me do all the work.
Once I have soothed and relaxed you're body you will be invited to turn over. Where I can give you a wonderful happy ending if you are comfortable with it. (Oral, rimming, and anal can be added if you upgrade for £20).
Another warm shower will be awaiting you at the end in order for you to wash off of the oil.
Bottled water or herbal tea will also be offered to you at the end.
❤️ Service 2 - Pamper Pod- 1.5 Hours =£180
This service is my Super Luxury VIP upgrade which is aimed for the gentleman who in addition to having a massage, would like to treat himself to some professional beauty pampering and a bit more time with myself. Why not leave feeling polished and confident? You will receive everything that is included in the 1 hour Sensual Seduction service including fun at the end. And for what you get...it's not that much extra.
In addition you will receive a High End Luxury facial and an essential oils with salts bath using some of the best and most expensive beauty products on the market.
All included are = Facial cleanse, Deep exfoliation, face mask, Toner, eye serum, Eye cream, facial Oil, moisturiser. I will ask you some skin care questions first and pick products suitable to you're skin type. I am a fully qualified Beauty Therapist. I worked as a Beauty Therapist for 3 years before doing this job
Bath (Warm or hot) with essential oils and salts to help sooth and detoxify you're body, I will also bathe and wash you in the bath to remove all the essential oils. Afterwards I will help dry you're body so you are fit and ready to face the world again all perfectly pampered.
You're skin will literally glow . I always suggest refraining from washing you're face again on the evening of visiting for a facial. This is because the products I use are jam packed with nutrients and vitimans and essential oils.. Think of it like marinating a chicken. Leave the nutrients on to really soak in deep at night. The next day your skin will be beaming with a healthy even glow.
I use my own personal products that I use on myself for my facials. I didn't see the point in using anything other than what I feel is the best available out there. I have a bit of a thing for skin care and only use the best.
For clarity and transparency purposes and so you can look up to check the quality of what I use for yourself.
My products are
Foam Cleanser - La Prairie
Diamond extreme Glyco peel (full strength) - Natura Bisse
Black Rose Face Mask - Sisley
Radiant Glow Express Mask - Sisley
Apricot Soothing Toner - Elemis
Eye lifting serum - La Mer
Diamond Extreme Eye Cream - Natura Bisse
Diamond Extreme Facial Oil - Natura Bisse
Rose Hip Oil - Natura Bisse
"The Cream" facial moisturiser - La Mer
Feel free to look up to check prices and quality. You're skin is in for quite a treat.
I create my own massage oil using an organic base oil and adding Ylang Ylang, Lavender + Rose pure essential oils. This creates an oil that emits a very relaxing aroma which is good for your skin due to the oil's repairing effects and also acts as an aphrodisiac.
So I make sure my oils are relaxing from the first breathe you take. Inhaling the fragrances will help you drift off to the land of peace.
I have background massage music playing. Water and pan pipes mixed in with meditation music. Its very easy to feel like you're floating with this music. I often use it to meditate before going to sleep at night.
I have an electronic mist machine that I travel with. This gives off a beautiful flow of steam. Cascading swirls of mist is lovely to watch. Plus it keeps the air in the room fresh and clean.
To help create a more intimate ambience....I use dimmed lighting, mood lighting devices and several candles. Bright lights turned up full can often feel too clinical and cold. I like to create a more warm and welcoming room.
My technique combines pressure points and the loosening and smoothing out of muscles. I warm them up, kneed them, and then smooth them out and drain away the pressure. I am fully trained to use my hands, fingers and wrists. I also use a chakra pressure technique on the shoulder using my elbow to press down. However apart from this one pressure point....the rest of the massage will be done using ONLY my fingers, wrists and hands. There are MANY different styles and techniques in massage. However coming from the perspective of someone who is professionally trained. I feel that a massage technique should only be used when you are fully qualified. Because even with the best masseurs on the planet there can be times when you miss a muscle or press it the wrong way. However if you are fully trained then this is not a problem as it just takes a second to correct the muscle and immediately all is fine and well again. However if you are not trained and you make a mistake. then a person can end up causing injury to someone else, with no training or means of being able to fix it.
Therefore...due to not being trained in techniques such as walking on your back or the use of knees or elbows or the cracking and twisting of your body, I am unable to massage this way. As a professional I wouldn't feel comfortable or safe in the knowledge that i knew what i was doing. I am here to relax and soothe you....not harm you. So despite requests for these techinques....(until I am trained) I have to kindly decline these requests. But my hands are very skilled little buggers that suffice just fine ;-)
I will expertly attend to you're body. Slowly going up and down...teasing and massaging you from top to toe. Soothing and working those muscles. Taking you to the point of sheer bliss. Allow the calming music to help you drift off to paradise. If you get horny.....that's fine too. If you feel comfortable I will happily finish you off with my hands. Plus you can cum as many times as you wish. I also offer expert prostate massage and anal massage. Should you wish to get a little extra kinky.

For an extra £20 I will lick you're ass (only if smooth and clean) and suck you're cock and let you fuck my tight ass. Please look at my pictures. See for yourself how tasty it looks. All tight and smooth. (This service is free to registered members who make an online booking...please read the special offer section below for details)
I always have fresh clean fluffy towels for you to use before and during and after my service. Also you can feel free to use my shower gels and toiletries. Including mouthwash. face cream, body lotion, antipersparent.
You may also have a nice refreshing herbal tea or glass of water to rehydrate once we are done. (feel free to ask)
I tend to stick to 3-4 star hotels. discretion is paramount to my work. On the odd occasion I will stay in an apartment. However I tend to stay away from the better known "working apartments" as I don't like to draw attention to what is going on. But under no circumstance do I ever share an apartment with another girl. This draws too much unwanted attention and is not very proffesional. Plus it's hard to relax with other people stomping around the apartment.
I take my job very seriously. I want you to enjoy it. That is my goal. I would feel really bad if you left feeling unhappy. I always ask before the massage starts if you have any injuries or sore parts of you're body that are painful and you wish for me to avoid. Once advised of any injuries I will be sure to be VERY careful in that area. Also I welcome feedback. If the music is too loud or too quiet, or lights are too dark or too light. Or if my massage is too soft or too hard. Please tell me. I will not be offended at all.....this is about YOU not me. I will do my best to accommodate requests and make everything as comfortable for you as I can. For me to turn down the music or lights is no problem at all. I would rather take 2 seconds to adjust things than have you sit for the whole hour being annoyed at something that was irritating you. You are here to enjoy yourself and to relax and to be pampered. So I will do anything I can....within reason lol (ie I won't sing or do a handstand or tell jokes lol) but anything reasonable.....I will happily do. X
The one thing I NEVER do is rush. To be honest I have too much to do to be able to rush you out the door even if I wanted to lol. You are here to get pampered and teased and to enjoy yourself. You pay for the full hour and you will get the full hour. (If you decide to leave a little early, then that's you're choice. But I don't recommend this and suggest you stay and allow yourself to enjoy the full experience)
I do not offer any extra pictures. All the pictures you see on my advert and in gallery is all you need to see. Focus on coming to visit and let me do all the hard work for you.
I want you to leave feeling completely satisfied and refreshed. My goal is to make you feel special.
Confidentially Agreement /Rich Or Famous Gentlemen ❤️
I am sure you have read the tales in the paper.....theres been LOADS over the years of escorts exposing rich or famous clients. This is not behaviour I agree with and additionally I can understand how this could make guys nervous about coming to see me or another escort.
Over my 4 years in this job I have been very blessed to have had several "high profile/publicly known" gentleman come to visit me. Not one has left with any nervousness about exposure but I can see how it would be easy to feel nervous after leaving.
✅ Therefore......I am MORE than happy to sign and finger print a copy of any confidentially agreement you bring with you and I'm also more than happy for you to take a picture of me holding my signed copy for you to keep in you're records along with my signed copy as proof.
I have absolutely nothing to hide and my job is my career. A career that I aim to do for many years to come. I take pride in what I do and my reputation means everything to me. My job is to make guys feel better and then go back about their day feeling better. Certainly not to harm them or ruin their lives. What kind of person does it take to find pleasure in ruining someone just for the sake of a few thousand pounds? I ask for discretion from my clients so its only fair that I practice what I preach and give nothing but discretion back. Therefore if it makes you feel more relaxed and comfortable.....then simply type out a confidentially agreement (you can find templates on line) and bring it with you for me to sign. It's absolutely no trouble at all for me to do this. The way this protects you is that once signed....it prevents a person from "exposing you" or "going to the papers" without serious legal and financial repercussions.
Keep safe and happy.
Miss Sinclair ❤️❤️
Stats ❤️
✅ 32 years old
✅ Blonde/brunette hair
✅ 5 ft 11
✅ Curvy body
✅ Soft smooth skin
✅ Magical hands
✅ (And for the naughty boys.....I do have an 8 inch cock....I can fuck but I cant always cum...but you can play with it. You can fuck my ass if you want though).
When contacting me please note that I ALWAYS require to speak with you on the phone. This is a golden rule that I never break. I can't give you my addresss or postcode or area without first speaking with you. x
Look forward to speaking to you and making you happy xxx
Miss Sinclair ❤️❤️
Other Genuine and Verified Girls I Recommend ❤️
I know how difficult it is to find girls that give a good quality service these days. So many fake pictures and false promises can leave you at a loss. I have a select group of friends who I have met over the years and spent time with and can verify that they are genuine and real and really take pride in their job and give a great service. (You can check their feedback to see what other guys have said).
Please check my Escort Recommendations tab at the top and also the links section down at the bottom of my page for their profiles ;-)
The Journey In Asia 04/09/2015
So...after 4 years in this job touring round the UK and various other countries.....I came to a realisation. That everyone was getting bored with the GFE thing. I was getting bored, the clients were getting bored, all other girls were getting bored. And it was slowly ruining the "spark". Everyone was moaning. And I thought this is not what punting should be about. Guys should be leaving a girls room feeling like a king. I thought things needs to change....and then I took some time off to make a change and discover something new....and this is what I found....
Since the last 6 months. This switching on and off at a moments notice to be intimate was really starting to wear on me. I began to feel almost empty and lost. This has nothing to do with the guys I meet. But to do with the switching on and off you're "connection" switch at a moments notice. I was used to getting connected with my guys when I started this career. It's very hard to just be on and off. And for 6 months I began drinking. And then I had a wake up call. I didn't want to end up like one of these girls constantly high on something. My regulars were beginning to notice my distant attitude.....and I thought...."wait a second, I need to take a minute and go and reconnect". ......and that's where this exciting journey began for me x
I decided to take 3 months off and go and do a spiritual and health detox cleanse in Asia. The thing is.....I am not really a drinker and I don't do other "stuff"....but this robotic on and off element to GFE had made me want to numb myself. So I thought....time to change.
So I booked a flight and travelled to Thailand, Asia....to refresh and find myself again.....and come back with something that will make my guys feel amazing again. My job is about my guys.....and not about me. I've always said....this job is about making the guys happy. Thr money made is a result of happy guys. And for a little while I had lost that....so it was time to change.
After 1 week into my cleanse retreat. We were offered massage and Reiki classes. And I jumped at the chance.
Because before escorting...I worked as a beautician for 4 years. I am fully qualified and have several massage certificates. Upon having my first massage from our tutor....I remembered what it was that had somehow vanished from the over saturated world of GFE....connection and passion. And then it struck me. Guys are sick of the fake false acting of GFE and want something more meaningful and true. And not some fake girl with fake pics offering the sun and the moon and the stars and not delivering it (like so many escorts do).
So I trained for the next 3 months and perfected my massage technique everyday. Learning about pressure points.....release points.....chakra....connection, intimacy points and developing a more intense fulfillment. And a few other things. And now it's this technique that I can't wait to perform on you guys in the UK.
I found what real passion is again. Being excited and aroused with every guy. Allowing us both to get connected and turned on by taking our time. And resulting in a desperation to kiss the face off each other and rip each others clothes off. I found it again and I'm so happy xx
To all the guys that have seen me before.....if you thought I was good before....you simply MUST come and try out my new service. I promise you...it's sheer heaven.
A total body orgasm can never be rushed....we need to build up to that point. Slowly carefully....and with precision of both teasing and reassurance.
I am so excited...I can't even say
Working Hours
I work 7 days a week.
Every day I work from 11am - 10pm
(Apart from the first day of every tour at which I start at 2/3pm depending on which time I'm able to check into my new accomdation and set my things up).
My last slot is 10pm (occasionally 11pm)
Placing A Booking Online
I can be busy at times and I would just politely like to ask that you call me before placing a booking just to double check that I'm free. Also I am not logged in to computer all of the day so I can miss a booking unless I have been told that it's there.
So please just a call first xxx
Contacting me
I'm not a huge fan of text. And as a golden rule I NEVER give any information out regarding my location via text.
Just give me a call. I don't bite and I'm very friendly xxx
Please click on the links part of my profile (down at the very bottom) for access to the profiles of these lovely friends of mine
Tired of the 50-50 % chance of the girl you go to visit being genuine? Fast loosing you're patience with fake girls and a rubbish service? And I am not currently in you're area? No problem. Here are some of my good friends for you to choose from. Who have the same work ethic as me. Every guy is given exactly what he pays for....sometimes more ;-) xxx ❤️
✅ Curvy Ebony Belle
Gorgeous and fabulous British girl. Silky smooth ebony skin, perfect curves and big bouncy natural boobs. This lady offers both GFE and Domination. She is a very good friend of mine and does exactly what she advertises. Miss Sinclair (Luxury TS Massage) ❤️
✅ White Lotus Massage
This sexy British woman is also fully trained in massage. She is trained in techniques that I am not yet trained in. Lovely bubbly girl. Gorgeous and will leave you feeling floating. She is a very good friend of mine and does exactly what she advertises. Miss Sinclair (Luxury TS Massage) ❤️
✅ Louise Rain
A well established sexy British Milf escort. Stunning and cute with a "girl next door" look. Blonde and busty and very accommodating. This lady offers both GFE and domination. She is a very good friend of mine and does exactly what she advertises. Miss Sinclair (Luxury TS Massage) ❤️
✅ Pure Massage 69
AND LAST BUT IN NO MEANS LEAST.......This mixed race goddess is my closest friend. She is fabulous at her job and gives an AMAZING massage. Men really do go crazy for this woman. And when you turn up....you'll be surprised at how pretty she is. She offers luxury intimate massage with teasing and relief. She is also a well established international escort. We have both toured many countries together. So where ever you see her in the world be sure to pay her a visit. She is a very good friend of mine and does exactly what she advertises. Miss Sinclair (Luxury TS Massage). ❤️
Miss Sinclair ❤️❤️
I called it Eternally grateful because I am. I am grateful for every guy who has ever visited me. Each and every single one of you. There’s a lot of girls out there and yet you decided to choose to visit me and experience my world for an hour.
I decided to create a brand 4 years ago and through the loyalty of my many regulars I have been lucky enough to build a life and a future for myself. I decided to put in the hard work and that has been met with an incredible response from all you guys. Authenticity and honesty pays off in every profession and field and this job is no different.
I’ve learned an incredible amount in the past 8 years. Some good, some bad and some ugly. But I wouldn’t change it for the world.
As many of you already know I decided to take 2 months off last year to actually live normally and have some rest. I have worked 7 days a week for pretty much 365 days of the year (with the rare day off for Xmas etc) for 8 years plus. I was looking forward to this time off, Jesus I was looking forward to it. The thought of doing nothing for 2 whole months was heavenly. However, 4 days into that 2 months off I was so bored I almost had a breakdown. (Slightly overly dramatic, but shush).
And then it hit me. I had reached the point of nearing being institutionalised into this way of life. The constant momentum, something always happening, constant organising, packing and unpacking, travelling, working etc etc. It’s basically a way of life. A way of life that isn’t normal, so taking two months off and having normality for 2 months felt like I was having withdrawals or going through a detox. I wasn’t used to it. This made me really uncomfortable as I knew I had reached this crossroads point. The point of being on the verge of being institutionalised into this way of life and having to make a choice. Leave or stay forever. A lot like how a prisoner can become institutionalised after too many visits to prison. There is this window where (if you recognise it), it’s your chance to leave before you become unable to ever move on to something different. You know, it isn’t really a “stepping stone” if you don’t actually step from the stone.
So the universe was telling me something and I decided to drop my ego and stubbornness and listen. I had been lucky enough to build a life, and also acquire financial investments that will carry me forward into my new life. I have always had a dream to create my own fragrance and make up company. So....that’s what I’m doing.
The ethos behind this retirement was to do it in a way where I can properly finish and feel it’s done. To say goodbye properly. I’m slightly OCD and unfinished is business that needs finishing. So, I decided if I do each and every single place in the UK that it will business that isn’t unfinished. Which means I will never feel the need to come back and finish it and then find myself right back in the thick of it again.
So...... I’m doing each and every single place. Big, small, suburbs and a few extra places. Basically there will be no place in the UK I haven’t been when I’m done.
So from the very bottom of my heart I’d honestly like to say.....thank you to each and every single one of you. And to those of whom I’m still yet to meet....I look forward to introducing you to my world.
Goodbyes don’t have to be depressing. They can be positive, uplifting, grateful, hopeful and most of all.....eventful.
So here it is.... my Eternally Grateful Retirement Tour 2019.
I’ve listed the places that I’ve already visited in alphabetical order so that it’s easier for guys to see if I’ve already been to their town. London areas I’ve written London before. If you have missed me on my visit you can catch me next time I’m in the town next door. A green tick will appear against each location upon completion of my visit. Please note....this is a LOOOONG retirement tour as I’m really doing EVERYWHERE plausible. It’s going to take me possibly there years.....I know, call me Cher lol. I won’t be doing neighbouring locations right after each other. I’ll hop skip and jump around so there’s at least 2 months in between locations which are close to each other.
Tamara Sinclair xxx
Aberdeen ✅
Ashford ✅
Aylesbury ✅
Basildon ✅
Basingstoke ✅
Bath ✅
Beeston ✅
Bexleyheath ✅
Birmingham ✅
Blackpool ✅
Bletchley ✅
Bracknell ✅
Brighton ✅
Cambridge ✅
Carlisle ✅
Cardiff ✅
Cheadle ✅
Chester ✅
Chesterfield ✅
Crawley ✅
Croydon ✅
Cumbernauld ✅
Canley ✅
Darlington ✅
Derby ✅
Doncaster ✅
Droitwich ✅
Dudley ✅
Dundee ✅
Dunfermline ✅
East Kilbride ✅
Edinburgh ✅
Elgin ✅
Elstree ✅
Epsom ✅
Erskine ✅
Exeter ✅
Falkirk ✅
Farnborough ✅
Glasgow ✅
Guildford ✅
Hamilton ✅
Harlow ✅
Headingley ✅
High Wycombe ✅
Hull ✅
Huyton ✅
Hyde ✅
Inverness ✅
Kettering ✅
Leicester ✅
Langley Green ✅
Liverpool ✅
Livingston ✅
LONDON Angel ✅
LONDON Bridge ✅
LONDON Islington ✅
LONDON Kingscross ✅
LONDON Kingston ✅
LONDON Liverpool Street ✅
LONDON Stansted Airport ✅
LONDON St Pancras ✅
LONDON Surbiton ✅
LONDON Sutton ✅
LONDON Tottenham Court Road ✅
LONDON Wandsworth ✅
LONDON Wimbeldon ✅
Maidstone ✅
Milton Keynes ✅
Morley ✅
Newcastle ✅
North Queensferry ✅
Perth ✅
Peterborough ✅
Preston ✅
Portsmouth ✅
Reading ✅
Runcorn ✅
Sheffield ✅
Solihull ✅
Southampton ✅
Staines ✅
Stevenage ✅
Stirling ✅
Stoke On Trent ✅
Swansea ✅
Swindon ✅
Walsall ✅
Watford ✅
Winchester ✅
There are MANY wonderful and thoroughly honest escorts advertised in the UK and worldwide. I have been fortunate enough to have meet several over the years and I know there are many more I haven't met. But like everything in life there is always a few that "ruin the party".
Unfortunately it has been brought to my attention (from several regulars of mine). That there are some girls out there who now don't just steal.....but copy a guys card details and ID when they are taking a shower.
Shocking I know. But unfortunately true. From what has been described to me....a photo of a driving license (which gives you're name, address, date of birth and picture) is taken on a phone along with photos of the front and backs of the credit and debit cards. With which they either go shopping themselves or pass them or sell them onto to someone else.
I am not going to cast aspersions on the "type of people" doing this.
But I am however going to advise. That when you come to see me.....or any other girl....then PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get into the habit of taking you're valuables and wallet into the shower with you and keep them with you and in sight at ALL times. Whenever a guy comes to visit me....I always ask him to keep his things with him at ALL times. I dont like guys getting ripped off. Its not fair. So if you get into this habit then you can keep yourself safe and avoid this happening to you. And then hopefully this will help put a stop to this vile behaviour. Unfortunately there is always bad in the world. But if we all keep ourselves safe then we can protect ourselves and stay out of the clutches of the "wrong ones".
STAY SAFE....and happy.
Miss Sinclair ❤️❤️